Blitz (39/213)

From:Frederic Laboureur
Date:6 May 2000 at 09:12:59
Subject:Re: Blitz Basic on the PC!

Hello David,

> Hi Fred
>> :*). Simply as powerful as usual. I'm curious to see if the PureBasic
>> will be faster than Blitz :). But its should as all has been written in
>> Pure x86 asm, for optimum speed & compactness.
> Who is doing the x86 ASM? Not to mention having to understand the Windows
> API! I had a look at both a long time ago and never got into them. If its
> you Fred, then you will be my programming god forever ;)

Hum, God ? Why not :*). Yes, it'me which does all the x86 ASM stuff and
Windows API call (still in ASM :). Am I mad or what ? I know the 3 most
important ASM langage today: 680x0, PowerPC and x86. Asm Rulez ? 680x0 yes,
x86 doesn't :). About the Windows API, if you have a good doc, it's just
like the AmigaOS (more or less..). Do you know than a button (gadget) on
Windows is a.... Windows ? A bit particular but you use CreateWindowEx() to
create a combobox, a pushbutton... Strange & unoptimized :)




/\/\/\/\/\ Frederic 'AlphaSND' Laboureur
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(o o_ /(o o)\ _o o) Quality software for the Amiga
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(o_o)// (o o) \\(o_o) � 2000 - Fantaisie Software
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F-Base TheBoss F-Bench

PureBasic: R.E.L.E.A.S.E.D - Feel the Power !


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